
Fire in your building is a scenario we'd rather not think about for several reasons. For this reason, it is important, for both user safety and damage to the building, to have fire safety in order and to prevent the occurrence of fire and limit damage. The fire safety of your building not only depends on fire prevention measures in your building, but also on structural and installation facilities. vb&t Fire Safety & Environment advises you as an independent party about the fire safety in your building, from design to the use phase.

Fire safety in your building

Achieving and maintaining fire safety in buildings goes hand in hand with complex legislation and many guidelines. The government has drawn up fire safety requirements aimed at the fire safety of buildings and the safety of people in and around a building. These are laid down in the Buildings Decree 2012. This describes the measures to be taken to prevent the spread of fire, how people must be able to escape quickly and safely and how the number of victims can be limited or prevented. Our consultants can help you with all these aspects of fire safety and look together with you at the measures needed.

Specialist in fire safety advice

vb&t Brandveiligheid is specialist brandveiligheid met landelijke dekking. Wij leveren diensten rondom brandveiligheidsvraagstukken in brede zin, voor zowel nieuwe als bestaande utiliteitsgebouwen. Brandveiligheid van een gebouw vraagt om serieuze aandacht en een partner die met u meedenkt en vooruitdenkt. Als eigenaar en/of gebruiker van een gebouw wilt u weten of uw gebouw voldoet aan de eisen binnen de wet- en regelgeving. Door middel van inspecties, toetsing en scans kunnen wij u vertellen hoe de brandveiligheid in uw gebouw ervoor staat. Onze bevindingen leggen wij aan u voor in heldere rapporten met de eventueel geconstateerde gebreken en verbeterpunten. Onze aanbevelingen kunt u gebruiken om de brandveiligheid te bevorderen.

Our services are aimed at creating a safe situation together with you. We can provide you with advice, but also help you with the implementation of this advice. We work out our advice in clear reports and clear action points. We like to think along with you in solutions

Fire safety issues

Bij vb&t Brandveiligheid kunt u terecht voor advies, toezicht en controle op het gebied van brandveiligheid. Wij kunnen in elke fase van een traject instappen: van ontwerp tot ingebruikname. Hieronder een overzicht van de brandveiligheidsvraagstukken waarvoor u bij ons terecht kunt:

  • Fire safety advice and support in applying for permits: In the design phase, we assist our clients in the assessment and testing of the building plan and offer support in applying for permits such as an environmental permit.
  • Verification of fire safety requirements: In the construction phase, we function as supervisors to ensure that the drawings and plans made in practice work out as prescribed by the fire safety requirements. For example, we can carry out inspections and make a fire transfer calculation.
  • Fire safety check:

Would you like to know whether your building meets the current fire safety requirements? Or do you want to know what measures you should take to meet the current requirements? Our experts inspect your building and test the findings against the laws and regulations. Then we advise you on how you can make the building meet the requirements.